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Re-Loading data and dimensions for .25 ACP (.25 Auto) calibre |
The cartridge was introduced in Europe as the F.N. Baby Browning, later (1908) it was introduced in the United States as the, almost identical, Colt manufactured, .25 Vest Pocket pistol. These two pistols has been copied by many manufacturers. The .25 Auto has a high velocity for a small cartridge, but stopping power of the full metal jacketed bullet is low. The .25 auto pistol is popular with the ladies, because of it's small size and low cost.
Disclaimer... This page is a collecting point for fragmentary information that comes to light during my wanderings through my old notes. As a result it may be incomplete or even contain some incorrect information. It would be unwise to rely on this page of information until this warning notice is removed. |
Date... | Originator... |
Bullet Dia... | Main Usage... |
Die Set... | Intended barrel length... |
Primer... | Max overall length... |
Trim Case... | Max Case length... |
Crimp... | Bullet Seating... |
Shell holders... | RCBS... | Lyman... | Pacific/Hornady... | Bonanza... |
Case Dimensions ("W" = Water capacity)
Bullet Type | Bullet Wt. Grains | Gas Check | Powder Type | Powder Weight Grains | Powder MAX Grains | Pressure C.U.P. | Pressure lb/Sq in | Muzzle Velocity ft/sec | Muzzle Energy ft lbs | TKO |
Jacketed | 111 | 0000 | IMR 2222 | 33.3 Gr | 33.4 Gr | 44,444 | 55,555 | 6666 | 7777 | 88 |
Originated... 02 February 2007, Code Altered... 18 May 2008,