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Cartridges for Garden Guns and Walking Stick Guns

Cartridges for walking stick guns... These are generally a single shot smooth bore shotgun of small calibre, disguised as a walking stick, but rifled versions also exist. Historically a defensive weapon of Victorian gentlemen. They generally violate modern ordinances against concealed weapons as can be seen from the excerpt below that comes from the Metropolitan Police website.

7. Prohibited weapons and ammunition
A shot gun certificate will not authorise the possession of the following unless authority has been obtained from the Secretary of State or an exemptions applies.

(a) Any smooth-bore revolver gun other than one which is chambered for 9 mm rimfire cartridges or loaded at the muzzle end of each chamber.

(b) Shot guns disguised as other objects eg walking stick shot guns, high powered air canes, although there is an exemption for those who have a collector's condition.

This page deals with calibres .380, .360, 9 mm rimfire, 9 mm centrefire, No.1, No.2 and No.3 garden gun as well as 9 mm & 7 mm walking stick calibre. My own experience of walking stick guns is very limited, I have only seen and handled a couple of them, both were in .410 calibre, which is dealt with on a separate page.

I have been assisted by a cartridge collector by the name of Mike, who has provided many of the original images. The image editing and any errors are down to me.


Garden Gun No. 1

Tin of Shamrock no 1 cartridges Tin of Shamrock no 1 cartridges

Garden Gun No. 2

Eley Salon No. 2 Eley Salon No. 2 image rendered at same scale as Eley version

Garden Gun No. 3(9 mm rimfire)

Eley Long Shot No. 3, carton of 50 Eley Long Shot No. 3, carton of 50 Eley Long Shot No. 3, carton end view Eley Long Shot No. 3, carton end view (shown to different scale) Oak leaf checkered pattern No. 3 cartridge Oak leaf checkered pattern No. 3 cartridge


Eley 360 headstamp This .360 cartridge has no side view associated with it, but the paper case is likely to be similar to the two views in the paragraph below.

The side views are represented at about 40% of the scale of the headstamp views.
Eley 360 RTO 4 headstamp Eley 360 RTO 4 side view Eley 360 RTO 4 other side view


7 mm Walking Stick

Kynoch rolled turnover 7 mm walking stick cartridge Kynoch rolled turnover 7 mm walking stick cartridge showing overshot card and turnover rolling. Kynoch 7 mm walking stick cartridge headstamp Kynoch 7 mm walking stick cartridge headstamp.

9 mm Walking Stick

 Written... 02, 21, June 2007, Code Altered... 18 May 2008,
Source Code last updated...
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